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Video: The Onlyness Strategy

Summer last year - in a very hot and packed auditorium in Nottingham in the UK 🇬🇧, it was my honour to speak at the Nottingham Digital Summit - hosted by the great people at Hallam.

My talk was on "The Onlyness Strategy" and I recently noticed a recording, taken at the time, had been put up on Youtube of it.  In this talk I give an overview of my approach to strategy and brand building. I've attached below 👇 for your enjoyment (and hopefully inspiration).

The Blurb: Join international brand strategy expert, Matt Davies, for this exciting session where he’ll be exploring brand strategy and how you can powerfully show up for you customers. Matt Davies, will share with us the principles of branding and explain why brand strategy is essential for modern business in order to do marketing well.

As part of this session he’ll also be introducing us to one of the most powerful positioning tools that has helped countless of his clients over the last 15+ years. Matt will lead a hand’s on mini-workshop, helping attendees to create powerful positioning statements.

Happy Brand building!


PS. If you would like a high energy speaker to inspire and excite your business to think strategically as it goes through change then please DM me. I'm open to bookings from the Autumn this year... 🙏

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