How do you show up for your audience? 🤔
Like, how does your brand speak? How does it dress? What kind of experiences do you audiences have with you? What are you offering them? How do you inspire them and solve their problems? How and what do you communicate with them? If you are not sure then archetypes are a great way to begin to think this through.
What are archetypes? They are patterns of human behaviour. They span time, culture and geography. They are part of what Carl Jung called our "collective unconscious" - our human instinct. They are amplified in stories and create instant meaning in our minds.
Yesterday I had a fabulous time collaborating with the folks at the virtual collaboration platform: Butter. Alongside the wonderful Rachel Davis it was my honour to run a ‘ButterMixer’ community session for them.

We had over 90 people sign up from all over the world and around 50 join us live to be introduced to the amazing world of brand archetypes - we reviewed Joseph Campbells "Monomyth" and considered 12 of the most popular character archetypes (taken from the book 'The Hero and The Outlaw' can be used to help brands show up for their audiences.

Throughout the session we asked of ourselves perhaps one of the biggest brand strategy questions: How should we show up for our audience?
We used archetypes to begin to answer this question and explored that how archetypes can:
Help to bring clarity and consistency
Help us tell and create better stories
Communicate swiftly
Humanise brands
Connect deeply
Bring alignment
Elevate meaning
The good news is the video is out so you can watch the whole session FOR FREE. Enjoy:
If you want help relaying your team around a powerful brand archetype that will help you stand out and get noticed by your audience be sure to look me up!
All the best working on your archetype!