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My most popular posts of 2021

Last year saw a wopping 50% yearly rise in visitor numbers to my blog - which I’m super chuffed about. It's always interesting to see what content is most popular and so as we start 2022 I thought it would be helpful to look back on the most popular blog posts to give you a little inspiration for your branding building in the year ahead.

Here’s the top ten. Enjoy:

This post is all about how to translate values in business cultural behaviours. In it I explain a two step process which any business can go through to ensure they are walking the walk not just talking the talk.

Steven Reiss was an American psychologist who was an expert in what makes us tick (or in technical terms: "intrinsic motivation"). He identified 16 basic human desires which I review in this post.

My simple strategy framework of the “Big Brand Questions” - the Brand Strategy Triangle. It’s easy to remember. It’s simple. It’s powerful.

After having the honour to lead a global group of brand strategists through a training workshop on how to use brand archetypes I received a number of questions which I addressed in this post.

Many business leaders obsess about competitors. And for good reason. But is it the best place to focus our attention? In this post I argue for more obsession on customer insights.

A post about how to take a look at the experiences a brand is creating for its customers and employees. A 4 step process and a typical customer journey is outlined.

What business function should own “branding” (and by that I mean the management of the reputation of the company?). My answer is set out in this post.

The big brand idea is a brands war cry. It is its clarion call. Its rally point. In this post I review the merits of having a big brand idea and how it should influence a business.

Company culture is a tricky beast but with some thought and communication effort it can help to transform a business. This post outlines how a culture programme can be created and used.

I do love a good book. And this one blew my little mind. This guide for navigating cultures is essential to any executive working internationality. Read my review in this post.

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