How do you get your people through the choppy waters that might be ahead? How do you help get their commitment in the tough times? How do you inspire grit and determination to succeed?
The answer: Vision.
Visioning is a skill every great leader masters. The ability to imagine a better future and - whether stood on a platform, writing a blog post or having a one-to-one in the office - communicates it powerfully.
But how many of us spend time to work through our vision? To get deep into what motivates us personally and drives us as leaders? To work on how we communicate it so its compelling and gives reasons why that unborn future is worth committing to? How many of us make space to get feedback on how our ideas come across and sharpen and refine them so that we really are leading our people with a vision that matters - so that when things get tough, they don’t quit but they pull through.
Does this sound like something you could benefit from? Then why not join me and powerful visionaries Sunny Bonnell and Ashleigh Hansburger at VisionCamp - A 3 day immersive and hands on adventure in vision making.
I’m excited to announce that we’re opening up limited tickets for Spring 23 which is happening May 17th-19th.

What’s VisionCamp®?
It’s a Visionary Leadership virtual workshop experience for leaders who want to cast a vision that grows your business and brand.
Here’s what Campers are saying about it:
"VisionCamp is a rapid fire bootcamp pressing you to unlock and refine your vision so that others can rally around it."
"I loved the smaller setting and being in the room with Sunny, Ashleigh and Matt. Getting real-time feedback and inspiration from them is invaluable."
"Wow, so many lightbulb moments already"
"Having an idea of what you want to achieve is one thing, understanding why and how you can make that happen is another - this course provides those answers guided by some of the top minds in the game."
Limited seats available.
I’ll see you at camp.