🎙 The year just got better 😂 - DECEMBER IS BUMPER MONTH on my JUSTBranding Podcast!

My co-host Jacob Cass and I are incredibly grateful & humbled to have talked brand, strategy & banter with some of the best minds in brand building - including Marty Neumeier and Chris Do.
It's been a tough year and to celebrate its end, instead of our fortnightly schedule, we'll be realising 1 episode a week for the month of December as well as a "Best of 2020" episode airing in January.

December 7 – EP20: The Future of Branding with Valerie Jacobs - Chief Growth Officer at LPK

⭐️ December 14 – EP21: Making a Difference with Michael Johnson author of Branding In 5 and a Half Steps

⭐️ December 21 – EP22: Food & Beverage Strategy Folkert van der Heide founder of Moj

⭐️ December 28 – EP23: Brand Building Tools with Peter Wilken author of Dim Sum Strategy

⭐️ January 5: Best of 2020 ⭐️ Special Edition⭐️
WATCH THIS SPACE for Season 2 starting in Jan where we have some amazing guests lined up for you to discuss the hottest brand topics including: Kevin Duncan, Denise Yohn & Lisa Hastings.
🎧 LISTEN HERE: https://justcreative.com/podcast/
If you've been enjoying the show, the best gift you can give us would be a review on Apple as this helps us reach more listeners.
Thanks for listening folks. 🙏🙏🙏