Wow 2020. What a year! Its been hard graft, up and down and mostly in - but not out!
For me, this year was the year I was able to take brand thinking and my beard, global - having worked or spoken in all but one of the seven continents of the world.
I’ve been privileged to have been busy throughout the COVID crisis and managed to achieve 30%+ growth from last year so I'm incredibly thankful.
If anything, 2020 taught us all to be grateful for the things we have - especially our health. As I reflect on the year, I have a huge feeling of gratitude for having been kept safe and for the things I've been privileged to achieve.
Here are some of the things I got up to:
💼 x16 clients serviced
🎩 x49 workshops delivered
✏️ x52 blog posts written (including 20+ articles on brand)
🗣 x30+ virtual public talks and podcasts given
🎤 x17+ online global business events hosted (including x5 BRANDUP Live interviews with Steve Whittle, x4 LEVEL C Fireside chats with Marty Neumeier, x8 RSVIP Business Networking with Fiona Duncan Steer, x2 Brand Leadership Q&As with Motto)
📻 Appearances on live national radio - LBC Global Radio (as a guest on the Business Hour where we took live calls on branding) and BBC (where I was interviewed on brand)
🎤 x1 Podcast launched (JUSTBRanding with Jacob Cass) with x22 episodes launched and counting with the best global minds in branding
🏆 x1 2020 'Top 50 Advisor' award won
⭐️ x1 Silver Star award in Marty Neumiers global Meta Skills challenge
🎬 Launched 5 online courses (three of which are free)
📋 Launched a free online survey (Brandnostic) that helps you spot areas to improve in your brand and culture
🏅 x1 'Brand Strategist' certification awarded by LEVEL C
🎓 x2 Qualifications in Design Thinking by IBM and IDEO U
📖 x2 magazine articles published (Marketer+ and Branderz Magazines)
🤳 x97 bearded selfies taken
🏠 Moved my family from Nottingham to South Wales
So - it's been quite a year despite COVID. I’m officially clocking off now but I wanted to say a huge thanks 🙏 to all those who have supported me this year. I have a feeling next year is going to be even better (let's be frank - it surely can't get much worse!).
Have a good one and stay safe. If anyone needs me I will be spending most of the rest of this year in a hot tub recharging. 🥂
See you in 2021.