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Video: Rebels and Rulers: How to use archetypes in your brand positioning
How do you show up for your audience? 🤔 Like, how does your brand speak? How does it dress? What kind of experiences do you audiences...
Matt Davies
Jul 20, 20232 min read

Why storytelling & the monomyth is essential for brand building
I define brand as “the meaning people attach to you and your offer”. Branding is the “management of meaning”. But how can we best do...
Matt Davies
Dec 17, 20215 min read

Storyategy - Book Review + Video
"It’s been my best read of 2021 so far and did notdisappoint, so I highly recommendgetting yourselfa copy" Wow! Many thanks to Andrew...
Matt Davies
May 20, 20211 min read

Six Matt Davies Videos 🎬 on Brand Strategy
It's been a busy few months and somehow I keep getting asked to be involved in live talks, webinars and interviews. I thought I'd collate...
Matt Davies
Jul 23, 20203 min read

Align your leadership behind a clear post-lockdown story
So lockdown is coming to an end. We are heading back to the 'new normal'. Customers are beginning to venture out. Suppliers are getting...
Matt Davies
Jun 8, 20205 min read

The Transformational Story - 3 Part Course with Tim Elliott
Do you want to communicate better? As a leader? As a brand? As a business? Stories are the basis of how we effectively communicate. They...
Matt Davies
May 15, 20202 min read

Storytelling workshops - The Surgery partnership
Are you a leader who works in an organisation that employs more than 50 people? Are people looking to you for inspiration? Do you need to...
Matt Davies
Apr 27, 20201 min read

Brandstorm: My Nottingham Masterclass now open for bookings
I have an exciting announcement for you. Booking for my two-part, hands-on masterclass which will teach you the building blocks,...
Matt Davies
Jan 17, 20203 min read

For things to change. we have to change.
Change is everywhere. Brexit. Elections. Society. The economy. Digitalisation. Transformation. Robotics. Automation. Technology. Your...
Matt Davies
Nov 15, 20195 min read

Tips on how to use storytelling in leadership
Most leadership teams realise that to make any change happen people need to understand what that change is and why it matters to them....
Matt Davies
Oct 9, 20195 min read

How to re-brand in 6 weeks - not 6 months - with Agile Strategy
Depending on the size of a business it typically takes a good 6-18 months to build a successful brand strategy. Right? Wrong. This is old...
Matt Davies
May 18, 20192 min read

Podcast: I'm interviewed on Shelf Impactors™
I'm thrilled to announce the release of this Shelf Impactors™ #S2E02Podcast. Hosted by packaging expert Mark Grey of Blue Nectar Design,...
Matt Davies
Apr 15, 20191 min read

Extraordinary Podcast
I'm excited to announce I've completed a Podcast with with the amazing Tobias Dahlberg from Helsinki, Finland. Last week he interviewed...
Matt Davies
Feb 18, 20191 min read

The 7 benefits of defining a 'brand story'
Stories help us make sense of the world. It's the same for us personally and when we look to purchase products or services. Consumers...
Matt Davies
Feb 15, 20194 min read

The Quest - Storytelling plot 3/7
Far away is a priceless goal. This goal is worth every effort and hardship to achieve. When the hero of the story hears of this, there is...
Matt Davies
Dec 17, 20185 min read

Rags to riches - Storytelling plot 2/7
An ordinary insignificant person. Usually an orphan. Usually dressed in rags. A humble little figure of a human, ignored and dejected....
Matt Davies
Nov 8, 20185 min read

Rebel Brand Archetype
Something is wrong in the world and it needs challenging. Pushing back upon. Overturning. Rebelling against. Leading these revolutions...
Matt Davies
Oct 11, 20182 min read

Hero Brand Archetype
There is some evil in the world. It's getting stronger. In the shadows somebody is sharpening their skills, developing and training to be...
Matt Davies
Aug 2, 20182 min read

Magician Brand Archetype
Transformation. Making dreams come true. Changing what it now to what could be through magic. Understanding the way the universe works...
Matt Davies
Jul 12, 20182 min read

Explorer Brand Archetype
Get your jacket. And your boots. And your tent and your canoe. We are off to discover horizons new. This is what the 'Explorer' archetype...
Matt Davies
Jun 21, 20182 min read
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